Poziv na javnu nabavu MACHOP03 / Invitation to Tender MACHOP03
Invitation to tender for "Supply of machinery for powder coating line."
Pitanja - Odgovori JN / Questions - Answers PP
1) Could you please further clarify the award criteria from the article 17 of the Terms of participation – what is meant by “Hybrid price”? Hybrid price combines economic and financial elements of offered goods/services/works and represents the best value for foreseen budget.
2) In Administrative compliance greed, under no 5 it is stated: “Tenderers financial statements supplied”. Could you please clarify what has to be supplied – is it enough to complete table 3 Economic and financial capacity in the Tender form for a supply contract, or additional statement/proofs are needed? Financial statements are annual official company’s financial reports submitted to relevant country’s institutions. They are used to verify information tenderers fill in Tender’s form table 3. Therefore, it is not enough to only fill information to Tender’s form table 3. However, statement of the official representative to verify financial and economic capacity stated is acceptable.
3) Please confirm that documents to prove experience in work in the field supplied (Administrative compliance greed , no.6) are extract from the company’s register and completed table 5 Experience from the Tender form for a supply contract. As stated experience of the company is verified by the years of work in the relevant field that can be verified by the extract from the company’s register and filled Tender’s form table 5. However, supporting documents to verify information from table 5 are needed as specified in Instructions to tenderers document.
4) In Instructions to tenderers (ITT), under section 11, part 3 Documentation – to be supplied on free formats, it is stated “Reference list with proofs (...). Please clarify whether there should be another (second) list apart of the one that should be completed within the Tender form for a supply contract, table 5 Experience. No, it would be sufficient to fill in table 5 and provide us with needed supporting documents to verify those references. However, it is possible the tenderer wants to submit additional reference list.
5) In ITT, under section 11, part 3 Documentation - to be supplied in the free form it is stated that the “Statement by the person who signs the offer on behalf of the company to confirm tenderer’s specified task implementation periods: delivery period, installation period, start up period.”
Please clarify is it the same statement that will satisfy requirement stipulated in Administrative compliance greed under no. 21 and evaluation criteria under no. 10 of the Evaluation greed?
No, these are not the same documents. The document referred to in evaluation grid is to verify the tasks implementation is in line to Contracting Authority project implementation schedule. The document the administrative grid refers to is the official statement by the official representative of the tenderer the proposed tasks implementation will be implemented timely as stated. The first document is related to technical criteria and the second to administrative compliance of the offer.
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