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Petak, 20 Veljača 2015 00:00

Pitanja - Odgovori JN Ponovljeni natječaj / Questions - Answers PP Repeated Tender

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Pitanja i odgovore možete pronaći ovdje / Questions and answers can be found here / Domande e risposte potete trovare qui

Tender Questions MACHOP02 and MACHOP03, 2nd Call:



Molimo Vas za pojašnjenje natječajne dokumentacije za nabavu opreme „Supply of machinery for metal elements production including CNC laser cutting machine (LOT1) and bending machines (LOT2)“; Publication reference: MACHOP02.

U 'Supply procurement notice' točka 16. 2) Technical capacity of tenderer will be evaluated by following criteria:

 ü  Reference and experience in similar projects - the tenderer has worked successfully on at least five (5) projects with an average projects’ budget value of at least that of this financial proposal in the field related to this contract (for Lot 1 Laser cutting machine; for Lot 2 Banding machines), within the last three (3) years[1] before the deadline for submission of tenders, as indicated in point 19 of this Procurement Notice.

Možete li nam pojasniti, trebamo li dostaviti najmanje 5 referenci za 2012. g, 5 referenci za 2013. g, i 5 referenci za 2014. g., ili ukupno 5 referenci za sve tri godine?

 Treba li prosjek referenci za pojedinu godinu (odnosno, posebno za 2012. g., posebno za 2013. g., posebno za 2014. g.) biti u iznosu ponuđenom za pojedini LOT, ili prosjek svih godina zajedno?

 Dear Madam/Sir,

 In respect to your questions submitted on 13th March, 2015, the clarifications are as follows:

 -              The reference should represent cumulative average value for three years period (2014, 2013, 2012) meaning minimum 5 projects within the given period of time for Lot1 with the average value for these 5 projects at least equal or more than the submitted offer

-              Separate reference will be evaluated for Lot2 but the tenderer is requested to give minimum 5 projects with average value for these 5 projects at least equal or more than the submitted offer. The reference should be also for 2012-2014 period.

 Following your request, cumulatively minimum five (5) projects for all three (3) years with the average values of projects within three years at least equal or more than the submitted offer should to be submitted.

[1] The reference should represent cummulative average value for years 2014, 2013, 2012 and will be evaluated as such for the given period.



 1.    In base a quanto letto non e’ specificata la lista di documenti, tra tutti i file disponibili, che devono essere inclusi nella busta sigillata da spedire a voi.  Vi preghiamo di avere la lista di tutti e solo i documenti da includere con il relativo riferimento al nome del file.

All documents to be supplied are published on web site. Additionally, you may consult the list of needed documents to be supplied in „Instructions to tenderers“ document (c4b_itt_en.doc), point 11, Check-list document and, also, Administrative compliance grid within the folder Evaluation and other documents. 

 2.    La documentazione accessoria, per intendersi non i file da voi spediti, puo’ essere spedita anche in lingua italiana ?

Yes, Italian is also the official language of this tender.

 3.    Per comprovare "Documents to prove experience in work in the field supplied (commercial registry, statutes, etc.)” e’ accettata la visura camerale della Camera di Commercio con il relativo oggetto sociale ?

If the Visura camerale della Camera di Commercio can prove the period of activity, it is acceptable as evidence.

 4.    Le fatture di vendita sono accettate come documenti comprovanti l’esperienza e le referenze?

Yes, the sales invoices are also the documents that can be submitted as evidence of the tenderer's references.

 5.    Una visura della Camera di Commercio e’ accettata come dimostrazione del nominativo del legale rappresentante ?

If the Visura camerale della Camera di Commercio states the name of legal representative, it is acceptable as evidence.

 6.    Con la dicitura “Profit and Loss Accounts“ si intende il “Conto Economico” della società  ?

If Conto Economico can prove the overall company's revenue over the certain period of time (usually per year), than it is acceptable as evidence and is equal evidence as Profit and Loss Account. The usual expression in Italian of the „Profit and Loss Accounts“ (Calcolo Ricavi e Costi) is Conto Economico.

 7.    E’ possibile inserire l’impianto in uno spazio in pianta di 14,5 mt x 50 mt ?

Yes, it is possible to insert the requested dimensions of the machinery. The dimensions of the space in which the machinery will be placed are 20 mt x 90 mt. Please find the indicative layout on web site.

Read 9378 times Last modified on Subota, 14 Ožujak 2015 10:48

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